Anne Frank
Best-selling author, and resurrected hero for mankind. Originally kicked the bucket while stuck in a German concentration camp back in 1945, but was then brought back to life by Dr. Remiel Pretorius almost 60 years later. With the help of Max Fleischer, she escaped Pretorius's lab at the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratories. Since she's mostly a robot now, she tends to spend a lotta time bumming over the fact that she can't eat, poop, or change clothes anymore. Oh yeah, she just found out that, aside from her pet cat Mouschi, everybody she's ever loved has been dead for half a century.... |
Max Fleischer
Mechanical genius and all-round handyman at the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico. Max's father and grandfather were both scientists at the Lab, and both met suspicious ends while working with Dr. Pretorius. Maybe Max isn't all that bright, or maybe he's just too kind-hearted, because he never made a connection there. Regardless, Max eventually stumbled across Anne as Pretorius was working to rebuild her...and then fell madly in love with the her.
Dave Fleischer
Max's bigger, stronger brother, and something of an idiot savant. Dave is painfully shy around most people, and mind-blowingly protective of Max. Can tear an elephant in half with his bare hands, but spends most of his days playing videogames and reading "sissy" books.
Dr. Remiel Pretorius Once the top scientist in Hitler's top-secret nuclear weapons program, Pretorius allowed himself to be captured by invading Allied forces as his Fuhrer made his secret escape to the moon. Pretorius then escaped trial by offering to "help" the U.S. advance it's own jet-propulsion and nuclear programs at the Los Alamos labs in New Mexico. While rising to the rank of Supreme Pants Commander at the lab, he maintained ties to Hitler and the secret Nazi base being built on the moon, and even began....ah hell, just read the comic already.
Walt Disney Bratty, manipulative mama's boy. Also Dr. Pretorius's prototype attempt at resurrecting dead celebrities to help advance the Nazi cause on Earth. After being re-built by Protorius, Disney turned out to be such a prick, that he was shipped off to the moon, and now he oversees construction of The Fuhrer's new Lunar Base / Theme Park. |
Egomaniacal goofball and officially the World's Biggest Asshole. Did a bunch of evil stuff 60 years ago, then faked his own death and fled to the relative safety of the moon. He now bides his time in his palacial Lunar Palace, building a giant ape-army, and plotting to re-take the Earth.
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